2015 – A Writing Retrospective

So, 2015. A few more hours and it’ll be history. Unless anything momentous happens in the next half-day or so, I think I’m reasonably safe in summing things up. Short version: it’s been a good year. I feel very fortunate that, all in all, things hummed along pretty...

My thoughts about The Force Awakens

This post contains spoilers for Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens. I am a proud nerd. I’ve been a proud nerd since I was a child, and I was there for the original Star Wars. Not on opening day, because back then nobody really expected Star Wars to be...

Stone #5 off to editing!

Stone #5 (tentatively titled Core of Stone) wasn’t originally supposed to exist. The original book that was intended to be #5 (titled Blood and Stone) was all written and has been for a long time. It’s just sitting there waiting for its turn at editing,...