To get your FREE Alastair Stone Chronicles eBooks, you just need to tell me where to send them. Get My Free eBooks!Alastair Stone Chronicles Series
#1 Amazon-bestselling urban fantasy thrillers featuring mage and occult professor Dr. Alastair Stone.
Calanar Series
Visit the magical world first revealed in the Stone Chronicles series. No familiarity with the Stone Chronicles needed to read.
Happenstance & Bron Series
He wants to believe. She wants to forget. Pulse-pounding magical adventures set in the world of the Alastair Stone Chronicles.
Shadowrun (published by Catalyst Game Labs)
Thrilling tales in a world where man meets magic and machine.
Stone Chronicles #5 – Core of Stone
Just a quick update: Stone Chronicles Book 5, CORE OF STONE, is coming in a little more than a week! It follows directly after the events in THE SOURCE, and presents Dr. Stone with the sort of problem he’s never had to deal with before. Here’s the blurb (spoilers if you haven’t read THE SOURCE):
Of Books and Grapes
Next week, I’ll be attending my very first convention as a vendor. I’m nervous and excited–I think I have a pretty comprehensive list of what I need to bring, but I deliberately picked a fairly low-key, small con for my first experience.
Book 5, Author Talk, and Cons
Lots happening lately! Book 5, Core of Stone, came back from editing, and I’m happy to report that my editor didn’t have any major issues with it. A few things that need to be fixed and a fair bit of word-nerking (as always), but for the most part everything came back fine. I’ve made all the changes and now I’m doing a final proofing pass.
Two Weeks In: Organization is hard!
Here I am, reporting from two weeks into the grand experiment! I’m happy to report that writing continues apace, and I’m hitting or exceeding my 3,000 word/day weekday goal. Also, my plan to cook and eat at home is going really well. We should have done this years ago!